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We are aware that a U.S. company controlled by Nicholas and Christopher Mechling, Twins Special, LLC (collectively, “Twins US”), has claimed that it owns the trademarks and logos for TWINS SPECIAL and KING PROFESSIONAL. Twins US has sued many people for selling goods in the U.S. that allegedly infringe its marks, including goods made by us.  

We are also aware, from public sources, of customers’ complaints through at least October 2023 that Twins US takes customers’ money without shipping products, and does not refund money even after complaints are made. See;

We truly regret any difficulties presented. Over a year ago, we sued Twins US about these issues. While that litigation is ongoing, we cannot comment in detail on it, including providing any prediction of how long it  will take or how it will end. The only thing we can say is that we expect it to take even longer than normal because at the end of September 2023, Twins US’ lawyers asked to withdraw due to Twins US' failure to pay for their legal services for over 1.5 years.  

While this litigation is ongoing, please bear in mind that there are serious risks involved in obtaining or reselling TWINS SPECIAL and KING PROFESSIONAL branded goods in the US, or any other market where Twins US claims exclusive rights. Any sales or marketing of TWINS SPECIAL and KING PROFESSIONAL branded goods to the US, or accessible by people in the US, including through online stores or marketplaces, could provoke litigation from Twins US. We cannot advise any specific action, but ask those affected to consider all appropriate action, including perhaps the use of geo-blocking systems to block US access to their online stores or marketplaces.  

Meanwhile, customers who would like to obtain and/or resell our high quality products while this unfortunate litigation with Twins US is ongoing may be interested to know that we have created a new brand, “TRIWIST.” We have already sought and secured protection in the US and many countries around the world for this brand. The products to be manufactured under the TRIWIST brand will be made by us, at the same factory by the same skilled craftspeople, as our legacy brands. They will meet the same standard of excellence customers associate with Twins Special Co. Ltd. TRIWIST offers a full line of products, and will be launched globally very soon via our original and new websites: and This new brand can be bought and sold without fear of interference or intimidation by Twins US.

We will update you on our TRIWIST products soon.

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